Pipulate FOSS SEO Software

FOSS SEO Software Examples

On this page you will find many code samples which can be copied and pasted together into very complex SEO deliverables. While ideal for the field of search engine optimizations, these examples may also be used in the fields of Data Science and Data Engineering. Mastering generic tech just became possible in the mainstream because Windows now includes Linux. These examples are built assuming you will be running the Linux version of JupyterLab in your browser, something which is today easily possible.

  1. A Word on Python
  2. Getting Started With Pipulate
  3. Ready to Automate Examples
  4. Persistent Dicts as Easy Databases
  5. Grab Data From Webpages Easily
  6. Loading Text as JSON from Web
  7. Understanding Pandas DataFrames
  8. Logging Into Google Services
  9. Pushing Data Into a Google Sheet
  10. Connecting to Google Photos
  11. Making Jupyter Beep
  12. Crawling a Website
  13. Concurrent Web Crawls
  14. Update Google Sheet With API
  15. Capturing Search Engine Results
  16. Connecting to Search Console
  17. Record Keeping With Named Tuples
  18. Connecting to Google Analytics
  19. Joining Tables With Pandas
  20. Working With the GA4 Analytics API
  21. Keyword Analysis With Linear Regression
  22. Getting All URLs of Site
  23. N-Click-Depth Crawl
  24. 3D Interactive Website Crawl Visualization
  25. Web Browser Automation
  26. Concurrent URL Crawl to Parquet

A Word on Python

Python is Not What You Think

Think of Python as a tool to improve your thought process where imprecise spoken words fail. Imagine if English had no ambiguity or double meaning, and every time you said something it was interpreted exactly as you meant, so expressing yourself with precision becomes easy breezy. That’s Python.

Flowing Expressiveness

Aren’t all programming languages more explicit that spoken languages? Yes, but Python is particularly well designed to fade into the background and let you flow. A good example is that files are your #1 means of organizing, creating neat and tidy namespace — sneaking enforced good habits on you with you almost never thinking about it.

Import Fu

For example, let’s say you have a file on your drive…


Let’s say the contents of foo.py is only the following single line of code:

bar = 123

Understand? You only one one file so far and it only has 1 line of content. Now we introduce a 2nd file called filename.py and inside that, you put only these two lines:

import foo


…which when run output:

>> 123

So importing import foo.py from filename.py gives filename.py access to bar in foo’s namespace and you’re using namespaces like it or not.

Indents Matters

Forced namespaces via filenames is just one great example of “obviously right” Python deign decisions. Making sequential lines of code with the same level of indent automatically group as a code-block is another.

Most languages litter things up with all these curly braces and “end” keywords, but then go ahead strive to indent like Python anyway for readability. Python says just make all that indenting mean something and you can do away with the nearly infinite visual clutter of other languages.

Ah-Ha Moment Required

If this sounds like blah blah blah, get JupyterLab installed on your machine right now and test this. You need this Ah-Ha! moment to proceed.

Let Spiderman Explain

A namespace is a space for names. The same names can exist in different namespaces without colliding with each other. If you want to simplify it, think of it in terms of each namespace being a different universe in the multiverse and different spider-people can exist so long as they don’t all try to:

from spiderverse import *

If you did that, all instances of spider-people would collide and only Chuck Norris Spiderman would survive. In order to have all he spider-people in the same main namespace without having to type the long word “spiderverse” all the time, you’d use the rename-on-import trick that pandas and numpy always do:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import spiderverse as sv

Now you could refer to the spider-people individually:


But if you only wanted one spider-person in particular you could:

from spiderverse import spidergwen

…and you could also rename at the same time:

from spiderverse import spidergwen as sg

…and could call sg’s methods (internal functions) easily:


You Gotta Grok Namespaces

It’s essential to understand namespaces. Python’s creator Guido van Rossum made certain language design choices which have become the gifts that keep giving. Other languages have done similar things, but few do it quite so well as Python, meaning users can just chug along doing work without thinking about it much. It all easily internalizes.

Don’t Fear the OO

Namespaces give you benefits of Object Oriented design without knowing or having to think about it. In other words, Guido is keeping you and the rest of the world organized by forcing every file to be its own namespace by convention. Common wisdom says you can avoid OO design in Python if you want to, but you really can’t. You’ll just get the benefits without thinking about it.

That ain’t OO that’s the way you do it;
Namespaces for nothin’ and imports for free!

Just Gotta Be Told

Files can either run as stand-alone programs, so you could run foo.py directly. Or foo.py can be imported by other files as resources that get conveniently grouped so that their own internal variable names don’t collide. This leads to one of the most common and befuddling bits of code you’ll see everywhere in Python:

if __name__ == "__main__":

This is a very geeky way of saying:

Run if called as a .py-file but don’t run if imported.

This also assumes you’ve defined a function in the .py-file called “main” that can be called in this way. If no def main(): is there, this code will fail. But if you completely remove these lines, the code will run just the same. Harumpf! Stuff like this we seasoned Pythonistas fail to explain to the newbs, but they’re such important humps to get over.

Pythonic Indoctrination

There’s a lot in Python that you just have to be told. At first you’ll feel like a __dunder__.head() not knowing that you’re looking at someone’s privates when you see double-underscore, or that a .dotsomething is a function definition while .dotsomething() is actually calling that same function, simultaneously providing a place where you could provide input (between the parenthesis) if needed.

Don’t Get Py Charmed by Intellisense

Also, a .dotsomething might actually be a simple property like width or height instead of a function definition, so you’ve got to explore those objects with dir() and help() to see what’s what. Every variablename in Python is a potential object to explore. Get to know its type(). While this can be frustrating, beware power-tools. It doesn’t make sense to rely on Microsoft Intellisense for your inquisitive abilities, so beware of being charmed by VSCode.


Common wisdom says global variables are bad. Well, since files import files, what’s global in one is contained in a namespace in another. The “bar” value in the above example would be considered a global variable.

Contrary to what Java-brainwashed CompSci grads will tell you, it’s completely valid to make generous use of global variables knowing you’re making convenient bundles of foo.this and foo.that. Python’s delightful because it lets you flip a giant foo.you of practical antipatterns at compsci snobs who have no defense but to sit and watch it run. Java people don’t like Python people much. We fart in their general direction.

This will all make sense after awhile. There’s a few simple rules that govern it all so don’t worry.

Recursion Protection

And in case you’re wondering, filename.py can import foo.py, but foo.py can also import filename.py to no ill effect. You’d probably want to avoid it for simplicity’s sake, but such is the resiliency of Python that such circular import reference won’t break your code. On a similar note, you can re-import foo.py from filename.py repeatedly to no ill effect.

The Zen of Python

If you want deeper insight into the Zen of Python:

import this

…and notice the last line.

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Let’s Stay Organized Out There, People

Okay, so Python .py files create their own namespaces based on their filenames. Hopefully you’ve got that. Now the next unit of organization is naturally the folder, a.k.a. the “directory”. It’s not worth fighting which to call it because neither actually exist. They are only bits on your drive which we thunk down with some simple labels and defined behaviors so we can actually interact with them. Got that? You’ve got to thunk to grok.

And with that said, make a directory for your current work. I like to use “practice” so that I don’t have to think of a nice strong label right away. So use the OS or command-line or whatever to make a folder. Inside that folder you do your work and will start accumulating “output” data files. These might be csv’s, txt’s, db’s or other. If they start to clutter your working directory, put them in a subfolder.

This or something like it should appear near the top of almost every program you make that makes outputs data that you want to store locally (not on the cloud). And to keep costs & dependencies down while keeping performance up, that should be almost everything. I put million-page crawls in such data folders, even on my feeble laptop.

from pathlib import Path


Getting Started With Pipulate

On Windows 10 or 11, run the Drink Me script using the instructions found on that page. At first Pipulate looks just like JupyterLab being installed on Windows accessible at localhost:8080, but there are a few key differences:

Microsoft Pauses systemd

You will however have to open a Linux Terminal to “wake up” Jupyter. This is due to a limitation in WSL and I expect this requirement to change soon. You will want to use Windows Terminal which probably installed with Linux, but in case it didn’t, grab it from the Microsoft Store.

Ready to Automate Examples

Once you have JupyterLab displaying in your Web browser, you’re in business. You can copy/paste examples from this page into a new Notebook, or load similar examples from the practice folder found there.

As you get good at it, you’ll use nbdev to create .py files from the notebooks which can be used directly in-location as Linux daemons — right on your Windows system. And because it’s so similar to a real-world server deployment, 24x7 automation is one git clone away from a Raspberry Pi, NAS or cloud server.

Rapid-Fire Million-Dollar Ideas

While not technically an Awesome List for Python SEO, Pipulate is a list of awesome techniques and sample-code that brings you, I believe, a massive step closer to your love-worthy work and six-figure job goals. I’ve been in tech for over 30-years and SEO in particular as long as it’s been a field. I’ve acquired quite a few million-dollar ideas over the years, and they are best expressed here in Python. Bringing you Pipulate is my Ikigai.

Persistent Dicts as Easy Databases

Here’s Your First Million-Dollar Idea

Before doing anything else, you need to understand how to make the Python dictionary datatype, or simply dict, persistent. If this is gobbledygook to you, you need a primer on the 3 main Python datatypes: lists, tuples and dicts. Dicts are like common JavaScript JSON. That is, they’re key/value pairs.

With a persistent dict, many requirements for a database in your day-to-day work seems to go away. A persistent dict really is a database, but you hardly have to think about it that way.

from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

with sqldict("name.db") as db:
    db["some key"] = "Some Value"

Now even after you’ve powered down your computer and come back later, you can reverse the process and get back the values you set:

from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

with sqldict("name.db") as db:
    for key in db:
    data = db[key]

This is a million-dollar trick that gives you a lightweight NoSQL database for every occasion. It especially enables the pattern of grabbing and saving the raw-data first, then loading, extracting and transforming it later.

Bonus: ETL stands for Extract, Transform & Load, standard terminology in the industry for this type of work.

Persistent Dicts Wired to SQLite3

Use persistent dicts as real databases. Use them as a caches to speed things up. Even though they do require a pip install of a 3rd party package to activate, they’re still just using the standard Python dictionary (dict) API. They’re back-ended by the ubiquitous workhorse of the tech industry, SQLite3, which is already included with Python.

Grab Data From Webpages Easily

Here’s a way to grab some data quick and easy off of a webpage…

import pandas as pd

url = 'https://www.worldometers.info/geography/alphabetical-list-of-countries/'
df = pd.read_html(url)[0]
df.to_csv("countries.csv", index=False)
       #      Country  Population (2020)  Land Area  (Km²)  Density (P/Km²)
0      1  Afghanistan           38928346            652860               60
1      2      Albania            2877797             27400              105
2      3      Algeria           43851044           2381740               18
3      4      Andorra              77265               470              164
4      5       Angola           32866272           1246700               26
..   ...          ...                ...               ...              ...
190  191    Venezuela           28435940            882050               32
191  192      Vietnam           97338579            310070              314
192  193        Yemen           29825964            527970               56
193  194       Zambia           18383955            743390               25
194  195     Zimbabwe           14862924            386850               38

[195 rows x 5 columns]

The above example will drop a comma separated value file (CSV) on your drive in the same location as where you created the Jupyter Notebook. The file will contain a list of countries with populations, land area and density from the table that was displaying on that URL. This is direct from webpage to Pandas dataframe. Why wouldn’t you? The process can be reversed to read the CSV from your drive back into memory as follows.

df = pd.read_csv("countries.csv")

This trick doesn’t always work, but when it does, it’s glorious. Sometimes you have to poke around. You actually get back a list of DataFrames and have to grab the right one. This will grab a history of web browsers. You can see how instead of grabbing the zero’th item in the list, we’re grabbing the 1st. Python uses zero-based indexes, so “1” actually means the second df in the list:

import pandas as pd

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_web_browser"
list_of_dfs = pd.read_html(url)
df = list_of_dfs[1]


    Year                                       Web browsers
0   1990                               WorldWideWeb (Nexus)
1   1991                                  Line Mode Browser
2   1992         Erwise, MacWWW (Samba), MidasWWW, ViolaWWW
3   1993    AMosaic 1.0, Arena, Cello,[44] Lynx 2.0, Mosaic
4   1994  Agora (Argo), IBM WebExplorer, IBrowse, MacWeb...
..   ...                                                ...
29  2019  Chrome 72–79, Firefox 65–71, Microsoft Edge, O...
30  2020  Chrome 80–87, Firefox 72–84, Microsoft Edge, O...
31  2021  Chrome 88–96, Firefox 85–95, Microsoft Edge 88...
32  2022  Chrome 97–107, Firefox 96–107, Microsoft Edge ...

Bonus: This is an interesting one because for the 32 years it covers, it’s only showing 32 rows. That’s because there are multiple browsers per row, separated by commas. This may be a bit advanced for this early, but we can explode these 32 rows to 186 rows by forcing it to show one row per browser splitting the entries:

df["Web browsers"] = df["Web browsers"].apply(lambda x: x.split(", "))
df_all = df.explode("Web browsers")


    Year           Web browsers
0   1990   WorldWideWeb (Nexus)
1   1991      Line Mode Browser
2   1992                 Erwise
2   1992         MacWWW (Samba)
2   1992               MidasWWW
..   ...                    ...
32  2022         Firefox 96–107
32  2022  Microsoft Edge 97–107
32  2022            Opera 83–93
32  2022         Safari 15.4–16
32  2022        Vivaldi 5.1–5.5

[186 rows x 2 columns]

Reading HTML Tables vs. Plain Text

That pd.read_html() function from the above examples really needs the data to be in HTML table tags. If it’s just a list in plain text, you can use a similar trick, but with a few extra steps. Here’s how we can get a list of all TLDs (top-level domains) from ICANN:

import httpx
import pandas as pd

r = httpx.get("https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt")
df = pd.DataFrame(r.text.split("\n")[1:], columns=["tld"])
df.to_csv("tlds.csv", index=False)


0         AAA
1        AARP
2      ABARTH
3         ABB
4      ABBOTT
...       ...
1477       ZM
1478     ZONE
1480       ZW

[1482 rows x 1 columns]

Loading Text as JSON from Web

If you happen to know where some JSON can be found on the Internet such as this master list of Categories for Google Trends, you can load it directly as structured data… well, not always. In this case instead of the prettier way of loading the .json() method of an httpx response object, I need to load it as a string first so we can chop off the first 4 characters. The resulting text can be turned into JSON using Python’s standard json package.

import json
import httpx

# Make a request to the webpage
response = httpx.get('https://trends.google.com/trends/api/explore/pickers/category?hl=en-US&tz=240')
gtrendcats = json.loads(response.text[4:])
{'children': [{'children': [{'name': 'Celebrities & Entertainment News',
     'id': 184},
    {'children': [{'name': 'Animated Films', 'id': 1104},
      {'name': 'Anime & Manga', 'id': 317},
      {'name': 'Cartoons', 'id': 319},
      {'name': 'Comics', 'id': 318}],
     'name': 'Comics & Animation',
     'id': 316},
    {'children': [{'name': 'Tourist Boards & Visitor Centers', 'id': 1392},
      {'name': 'Vacation Offers', 'id': 1019}],
     'name': 'Travel Agencies & Services',
     'id': 1010},
    {'name': 'Travel Guides & Travelogues', 'id': 1011}],
   'name': 'Travel',
   'id': 67}],
 'name': 'All categories',
 'id': 0}

This is just a reminder that not all data is rows and columns. Sometimes you get jagged arrays. But when it is row & column data, you can use a Pandas DataFrame!

Understanding Pandas DataFrames

In case you didn’t notice, we’re already using Python Pandas from the above example. But this is where you get to understand DataFrames which you’ll most often see around the Net as the variable df. When you see df, think Excel tab or SQL table. DataFrames are row-and-column data. You’ll also hear the term matrices or simply tables.

The ubiquitous Python 3rd party library called Pandas provides the special datatype called DataFrame to handle such row & column data. If you’ve outgrown Excel or want to do SQL stuff without a huge tech liability, Pandas is your answer. However, you don’t have to use Pandas DataFrames to manipulate tables in Python. Much of the time, it’s not even necessary.

The best way to represent tables in Python without Pandas is as a list of tuples:

List of Tuples

table = [
    ("one", "two", "three"),
    ("four", "five", "six"),
    ("seven", "eight", "nine"),
    ("ten", "eleven", "twelve"),

…which you can then turn into a Pandas DataFrame object like so:

df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=["A", "B", "C"])

Bonus: It’s a small but sometimes important point that even though all these tricks will work with lists-of-lists, lists are a dynamic and mutable datatype, meaning tons of them is bad for your computer. Lists of tuples process much more efficiently.

Saving df to CSV or Excel

df.to_csv("file.csv", index=False)
df.to_excel("file.xlsx", index=False)

And from there you can save it out as a CSV file or use it in further manipulations of row & column data such as joins, aggregations and unions. For you Excel users, that’s VLookups, Pivot Tables and combining tabs, but it’s a lot nicer in Python Pandas. Data Science, yay!

Logging Into Google Services

A lot more people would be doing advanced SEO work in Python and Jupyter were it not so difficult to log into Google services. OAuth2 login is the bane of many aspiring SEO Pythonista’s existence.

OAuth2 The Bane of Our Existence

Actually just logging into Google can be the hardest part of many projects, especially those involving Analytics, Search Console or Sheets. Most other sites at this point will be telling you to register as a Google Developer, make a project at the Cloud Console, download a credentials.json file, yadda, yadda. It’s not terrible advice if you can manage it, and it gives you more options than the way I provide here. But the way I provide here has this one distinct advantage: it’s going to work for you here and now.

import ohawf

creds = ohawf.get()

This will cause a login prompt to pop up for browser-based authentication. Anyone with a Google account can do this without going through the rigmarole of the console.developers.google.com site. I basically did the hard work for you, so you can connect right away and get to business…

import ohawf
from apiclient.discovery import build

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("sheets", "v4", credentials=creds)

This is now connected to Google Sheets. Guess what comes next!

Pushing Data Into a Google Sheet

Sooner or later, you’re going to want to push row & column data into a Google Spreadsheet. It can be as a datasource for Google Looker reports (previously Google Data Studio), or to be used directly by your audience as a sort of poor man’s data dashboard. There’s no shame in it. Some people use specialty packages like GSpread for this, but I say use the Google Client libraries directly. Here’s how:

import ohawf
import pandas as pd
from apiclient.discovery import build
from openpyxl.utils.cell import get_column_letter as a1

sheet_id = "[Paste your Google Sheet ID (from URL) Here]"

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("sheets", "v4", credentials=creds)

table = [
    ("one", "two", "three"),
    ("four", "five", "six"),
    ("seven", "eight", "nine"),
    ("ten", "eleven", "twelve"),

end_row = len(table)
end_col = len(table[0])
end_range = f"{a1(end_col)}{end_row}"
range_names = f"A1:{end_range}"

result = (
        body={"values": table},

There’s a ton you can do with the Google Sheets API including reading data out, formatting, etc.

Connecting to Google Photos

If you’ve followed the examples so far, you know the general pattern to connect to Google services of all sorts. You need only figure out the parameters for the Google API Client’s connection-building factory class like so:

import ohawf
from apiclient.discovery import build

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("photoslibrary", "v1", credentials=creds, static_discovery=False)

While it’s not classically SEO, you might be managing your visual assets in a Google Photos account and would like to automate against it for building sites or organizing assets. Point is, it’s easy now that you know how to connect. So if you want to step through 50 videos in your Google Photos whether it’s in the archive or not, you can do this which will show you the clickable links that will let you view them, given your browser on both the Linux side and the Windows side have been given login access to the account:

import ohawf
from apiclient.discovery import build

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("photoslibrary", "v1", credentials=creds, static_discovery=False)

npt = "" 
for count in range(50):
    args = {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "pageToken": npt,
        "filters": {"includeArchivedMedia": True, "mediaTypeFilter": {"mediaTypes": ["VIDEO"]}},
    results = service.mediaItems().search(body=args).execute()
    npt = results.get("nextPageToken")
    if "mediaItems" in results:
        for item in results.get("mediaItems"):
            gid = item['id']
            url = item['productUrl']
        print(f'{count} {gid} {url}')
    if not npt:

This is quite rare code to be finding on the Internet. It works because of the sample scopes I include with ohawf includes Google Photos.

Making Jupyter Beep

In the above Google Photos example, I had the process stop after just 50 videos. Why? It could take a very long time. You’re going to get up and walk away, but wouldn’t it be nice if you could hear the job finish? Call yourself back when the script’s done running with a loud beep?

This is a Jupyter trick, so you want to make sure you’re in Jupyter. Most of the code here really is making sure you’re in Jupyter. It’s also the first Python function I’ve defined in these examples. Generally, you shouldn’t have to define new functions in your Jupyter code because they’re made available by the packages you’re importing. That’s a trick to keep the code you’re actually looking at just the important overarching program-flow stuff.

Beep at End Of Script

    from IPython.display import display, Audio

    is_jupyter = True
    is_jupyter = False
    display, Audio = lambda x: x, lambda x: x

def beep():
    display(Audio("beep.wav", autoplay=True))


Now whenever you’re running a long function like say a site-crawl, just throw a beep at the end and go get yourself a coffee. And if the code ends up on a server, it’ll pass silently.

Anonymous Lambda Functions & Tuple Unpacking

If you look carefully you’ll see some of Python’s most awesome features demonstrated here such as anonymous functions (called lambdas), tuple unpacking (symmetrical variable assignment) and shim substitution for unavailable functions. It’s all really demonstrated on the same line, really.

Crawling a Website

Did somebody say crawl a website? Not everything you do in SEO requires a Google service. And you don’t need ScreamingFrog either. Sometimes you can go to the website itself and just crawl it with Python. The important thing to know here is there’s the “old way” and the “new way”. The old way is lightweight and fast, but doesn’t always work. The new way involves using an entire web browser but is slow.

Setting User Agent in Requests or httpx

First, the old way. And we’ve got to learn to walk before we can crawl. Even though we’re doing it the old way, Google and many sites like to believe it’s a real browser, so we set the often overlooked user agent:

user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

Using httpx For Easier Eventual Concurrency

This is where we would typically use the massively popular Requests package from Kenneth Reitz, but we want to set the stage for easy concurrency so we’re starting out with the Requests API-compatible httpx package:

import httpx

user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

url = "https://mikelev.in"
response = httpx.get(url, headers=headers)

And there you go, that’s a 1-page site-crawl. But wait! There’s more! Remember that first thing on this page about easy peasy databases based on persistent Python dicts? This looks like a good time for storage!

Putting Python Site Crawl into Database

import httpx
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

url = "https://mikelev.in"
response = httpx.get(url, headers=headers)
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    db[url] = response

Wait, what? Did I just write the entire Requests-like httpx response object to a database on the hard drive? Yes indeedy I did. And I can reverse the process too (notice no http call):

from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    for url in db:
        response = db[url]
        print(url, response)

Well there you go. Another million-dollar tip. But that’s hardly a crawl you say? I’ve only gotten 1 page and haven’t extracted any of the data out of it. Well all the code of the crawl would be too much to cram on this page, so let’s just do some quick tricks and I’ll refer you to the real Jupyter Notebooks in the Pipulate project for more extensive crawls. Let’s extract some data with beautiful soup! I always love a good Alice reference.

from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup

url = "https://mikelev.in"
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    response = db[url]
soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
ahrefs = soup.find_all("a")
for alink in ahrefs:

And there’s all the links on the page. Pretty astounding, right?

<a class="current" href="/">~/</a>
<a href="/linux/">Linux</a>
<a href="/python/">Python</a>
<a href="/vim/">vim</a>
<a href="/git/">git</a>
<a href="/logo/"><img border="0" src="/assets/logo/mike-levin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle"/></a>
<a href="/seo/">SEO</a>
<a href="/blog/">Blog</a>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/MikeLevin">Channel</a>
<a href="/linux/">Linux</a>
<a href="/python/">Python</a>
<a href="/vim/">vim</a>
<a href="/git/">git</a>
<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miklevin/drinkme/main/install.bat">Drink Me!</a>
<a href="https://levinux.com">Levinux</a>
<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miklevin/drinkme/main/install.bat">Drink Me!</a>
<a href="https://pipulate.com">Pipulate</a>
<a href="https://levinux.com">Levinux</a>
<a href="https://pipulate.com">Pipulate</a>
<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miklevin/drinkme/main/install.bat">Drink Me</a>
<a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@miklevin">TikTok</a>
<a href="https://github.com/miklevin">GitHub</a>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/miklevin/">LinkedIn</a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/mikelevinux">Facebook</a>
<a href="https://www.instagram.com/miklevin/">Instagram</a>
<a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/mikelevinux">Reddit</a>
<a href="https://twitter.com/miklevin">Twitter</a>
<a href="https://levinux.com">Levinux</a>
<a href="https://pipulate.com">Pipulate</a>
<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miklevin/drinkme/main/install.bat">DrinkMe!</a>

There’s a whole bunch more about link.attrs if it has an hrefs attribute, turning relative links to absolute, blah, blah. But let’s extract the title from the page we got. You’ll find tons of advice trying to talk you out of using Beautiful Soup. It’s beautiful! Just use it. It’s this easy:

Extract Page Title With Beautiful Soup

from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup

url = "https://mikelev.in"
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    response = db[url]
soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
title = soup.title.string.strip()

Yeah, so pulling a bunch of the above stuff together and dropping a crawl into a Google Sheet is a bit tricky because of relative vs. absolute links. Okay, let’s tackle that here before we move onto SERP scraping, Google Analytics and the like. We need lists of URLs to work with for SEO after all. Sigh, okay. Don’t hurt yourself following this:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

url = "https://mikelev.in"
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    response = db[url]

# URL is already homepage but this is a precaution
parts = urlparse(url)
homepage = f"{parts.scheme}://{parts.netloc}"

soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
ahrefs = soup.find_all("a")
seen = set()

for link in ahrefs:
    if "href" in link.attrs:
        href = link.attrs["href"]
        # Skip kooky protocols like email
        if ":" in href and "//" not in href:
        # Convert relative links to absolute
        if "://" not in href:
            href = urljoin(homepage, href)
        # Convert root slash to homepage
        if href == "/":
            href = homepage
        # Strip stuff after hash (not formal part of URL)
        if "#" in href:
            href = href[: href.index("#")]
        # Remove dupes and offsite links
        if href[:len(homepage)] == homepage:

Okay so you’ve got a list of links found on a page but the URLs are not stored anywhere in a persistent database, nor was each URL actually visited and the response stored. An interesting note about the key/value pars of our sqlite dict: the values can be the special Python None value. That seems like a good way to turn our database into a to-do list of pages to visit, like so:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

url = "https://mikelev.in"
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    response = db[url]

# URL is already homepage but this is a precaution
parts = urlparse(url)
homepage = f"{parts.scheme}://{parts.netloc}"

soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
ahrefs = soup.find_all("a")
seen = set()

with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    for link in ahrefs:
        if "href" in link.attrs:
            href = link.attrs["href"]
            if ":" in href and "//" not in href:
            if "://" not in href:
                href = urljoin(homepage, href)
            if href == "/":
                href = homepage
            if "#" in href:
                href = href[: href.index("#")]
            if href[:len(homepage)] == homepage:
                if href not in db:
                    db[href] = None

…and as usual with SqliteDict, you can reverse the process like so:

from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    for url in db:
        data = db[url]
        print(url, data)

…which at the time of this writing produces:

https://mikelev.in <Response [200 OK]>
https://mikelev.in/ None
https://mikelev.in/linux/ None
https://mikelev.in/python/ None
https://mikelev.in/vim/ None
https://mikelev.in/git/ None
https://mikelev.in/logo/ None
https://mikelev.in/seo/ None
https://mikelev.in/blog/ None

Getting the idea? Can you guess our next step?

But First a Word On Python Context Manager and SQLite Commit

A A Nuance I’m using something called the Python “context manager” with SqliteDict. You can tell the content manager by the “with/as” keywords and accompany indent. The “as” variable (really a file handle) goes away after the outdent. That’s the point. That’s it’s context.

SqliteDict when used with the context manager (there are other ways) won’t commit changes to the persistent on-drive database file unless you do a .commit(). Because commit hits actual hardware and could slow things down on a big crawl, it’s better to commit once per page (outer loop) rather than on the inner loop per link.

Now let’s get the missing pages:

Performing a 1-Click-Depth Crawl of a Website

import httpx
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    for url in db:
        response = db[url]
        print(url, response)
        if not response:
            response = httpx.get(url, headers=headers)
            db[url] = response

And here’s the output:

https://mikelev.in <Response [200 OK]>
https://mikelev.in/ <Response [200 OK]>
https://mikelev.in/linux/ <Response [200 OK]>
https://mikelev.in/python/ <Response [200 OK]>
https://mikelev.in/vim/ <Response [200 OK]>
https://mikelev.in/git/ <Response [200 OK]>
https://mikelev.in/logo/ <Response [200 OK]>
https://mikelev.in/seo/ <Response [200 OK]>
https://mikelev.in/blog/ <Response [200 OK]>

Almost magical, right? It’s the perfect setup for an SEO investigation. You’ve preformed a 1 click-depth crawl of a website and stored ALL the browser-like view-source results (HTML) of the page into a local, easily accessed database for father investigation.

What Do You Do With a Database of Pages?

What kind of investigations? Let’s extract the title tags, create a Pandas DataFrame, save the URLs plus title tags as an Excel document and push it to Google Sheets.

We begin with just an Excel file. It’s pretty much the exact same process as saving a csv, but it gives you a tiny bit of default formatting, making the presence of column labels very clear.

Crawling a Website Directly Into Excel Document

from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
import pandas as pd

table = []
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    for url in db:
        response = db[url]
        if response:
            soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
            title = soup.title.string.strip()
            atuple = (url, title)
df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=["url", "title"])
df.to_excel("crawl.xlsx", index=False)

Concurrent Web Crawls

I really don’t want to at this point because it will make your head explode. But I feel I really have to because people are going to ask, and it’s the reason we used httpx over requests. If you have a list of URLs and you want to fetch all their page content all at once, classically a task for CURL or JavaScript, you do it like this, which can for example be used to update the crawl.db for a small website (small, because it’s all “in-memory”):

import httpx
from asyncio import gather
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

# Build a list of URLs from prior crawl
table = []
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    for url in db:

# Fetch All Pages All At Once
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}
async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=headers) as machinegun:
    responses = await gather(*[machinegun.get(url) for url in table], return_exceptions=True)


You are especially welcome for the above code. That’s another million-dollar bit of goodness there. Don’t be jealous of JavaScript or CURL. You can do concurrency just fine in Python. I admit the pattern is a bit odd, but you’ll get used to it.

Keeping Inputs & Outputs In Sync (Zippable)

I promised you updating it back to the database, and there’s a nuanced point here. The way I did this just built a list of responses whose response.url does not necessarily match the database URL-key because redirection. Not the case here, but it could be. So, we zip the 2 tables together. This is possible because return_exceptions=True ensures the size of the list out is the same as the list in. If you really wanted to, you can do a quick Python list comprehension to show the URLs that came back from the crawl:

[x.url for x in responses]



But it’s not back in the database. We just fetched it concurrently and it’s sitting in memory waiting to be lost by a Jupyter Reset Kernel (which you should be doing often). Write it back to the database like so:

Zipping Lists into Dicts in Python

import httpx
from asyncio import gather
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

# Build a list of URLs from prior crawl
table = []
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    for url in db:

# Fetch All Pages All At Once
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}
async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=headers) as machinegun:
    responses = await gather(*[machinegun.get(url) for url in table], return_exceptions=True)

# Zip input and output lists together into dict
site_dict = dict(zip(table, responses))

# Update the database with the new data (which was fetched concurrently)
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    for url in site_dict:
        db[url] = site_dict[url]

Update Google Sheet With API

First a Few Words About APIs

There are many pip installable packages you can use here to alleviate this next step, namely GSpread and PyGSheets but neither is popular enough to learn their API versus the only slightly harder direct-from-google Python API for Google Sheets. Packages like GSpread and PyGSheets which while undoubtedly offer convenience, are not so different from the main API (especially in this case) that you’re better off than getting first-hand API experience.

Official Is Best If Official Isn’t That Much Worse

The official Google Sheets API takes a list of tuples just like everything we’ve been doing with Pandas and it’s easy to go back and forth between DataFrames and lists of tuples. Pandas even has a special word for this conventional data structure. They call it records. So conceptually we’re shoving records into Google Sheets directly through Google’s GSheets API.

You do however need to know some magic words to go from Python DataFrame to lists of tuples. Abracadabra!

table = list(map(tuple, df.to_records(index=False)))

Updating Excel-Like Rectangular Range Region

You saw from the above Google Sheet example that we can “blit” rectangular regions of data (lists of tuples) into specified Excel-style letter-ranges, such as A1:B2. We can target specific tabs with the standard convention used in Excel formulas:

'Sheet 1'!A1:B2

Namely, an exclamation point goes before the range, and if there’s a space in the name, you put single-quotes around the tab name. This whole thing is used in the GSheets API as input for where the list of tuples you provide is going to end up.

As you plan your blit, you may want to shift everything down by a row if you’re going to insert column labels on row 1, or alternatively make row 1 of your data be column labels. Up to you, but any way you blit it, you’ve got to watch your range string. There will inevitably be use of offsets and you must know how many columns across and how many rows down your data has. That gets used in building the range string.

import pandas as pd
from apiclient.discovery import build
from openpyxl.utils.cell import get_column_letter as a1

# Load data
df = pd.read_excel("crawl.xlsx")

# Grab row and column sizes
end_row, end_col = df.shape

# Convert Records to List of Tuples (MAGIC WORDS)
table = list(map(tuple, df.to_records(index=False)))

# Insert column labels as row 1
table.insert(0, ("url", "title"))
start_row = 1
range_names = f"A{start_row}:{a1(end_col)}{end_row + start_row}"

# Load Google Sheet ID from file
with open("sheet_id.txt") as fh:
    spreadsheet_id = fh.readline()

# Authenticate
creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("sheets", "v4", credentials=creds)

# Update Sheet
result = (
        body={"values": table},

But What About Log-File Style Updates?

If you’re adding something to the end of an existing list log-file style, you have to be able to find the starting point. While it’s not the most efficient thing in the world, I find the best trick is to just load all the data on that tab and look for the first unclosed row of blank data. If data comes later, that closes it. The 2 above examples connect together to give you appending your new rows at the bottom, log-file style.

import ohawf
import pandas as pd
from apiclient.discovery import build
from openpyxl.utils.cell import get_column_letter as a1

with open("sheet_id.txt") as fh:
    spreadsheet_id = fh.readline()

# Set the test-range
sheet_range = 'Sheet1!A:Z'

# Build the Sheets API client
creds = ohawf.get()
service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=creds)

# Get the test-range (everything)
result = service.spreadsheets().values().get(
    spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=sheet_range).execute()
rows = result.get('values', [])

# Find the last row that has data
last_row = len(rows)
while last_row > 0 and not any(rows[last_row - 1]):
    last_row -= 1

# Load data
df = pd.read_excel("crawl.xlsx")
end_row, end_col = df.shape
table = list(map(tuple, df.to_records(index=False)))

# Insert column labels as row 1
start_row = last_row + 1
range_names = f"A{start_row}:{a1(end_col)}{end_row + start_row}"

# Update Sheet
result = (
        body={"values": table},

Capturing Search Engine Results

Did somebody say SERPs? Shhhhh! Maybe run VPN when you do this one so you don’t look excessively like a robot. Don’t do this too often nor with too long of keyword lists. Slipping 3 in like this is fine, without even using a delay. This is just the collection phase. Notice if you re-run this, it will not perform the SERP scrape again. It knows what it already collected.

Doing It Old School (The Top-10 World)

It is also worth noting, this is the “old school” way of doing SEO, thinking of everything more or less a Top-10 ranking race on page-1 of search results. There’s more to the story we’ll get to in later examples including browser automation and parsing the page for news and other info. This is the basics.

import httpx
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

keywords = ["mike levin seo", "levinux", "pipulate"]
search_base = "https://www.google.com/search?q="
user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

with sqldict("serps.db") as db:
    for keyword in keywords:
        if keyword not in db:
            search_url = f"{search_base}{quote_plus(keyword)}"
            response = httpx.get(search_url, headers=headers)
            db[keyword] = response

Data goes in, data comes out. We can take a quick spin through to make sure that it’s a good http status code.

with sqldict("serps.db") as db:
    for keyword in db:
        response = db[keyword]
        print(response.status_code, keyword)

We’re looking for 200’s here.

200 mike levin seo
200 levinux
200 pipulate

A 302 indicates you’ve triggered the captcha. Remember, this step is totally safe because the scraping is done. We’re looking now at the raw-data we quickly plopped into storage from the above step.

Extracting SERPs From Raw Scrape Data

You can extract out the search results including the title that appeared with the search listing and save it to a CSV, Excel File, drop in Google Sheets, you get the idea. I’ll show CSV here ‘cause it’s the easiest. Notice how we’re building a table by iterating through each set of SERPs and adding the position based on a counter in that loop. We’re emptying out SERP sub-tables into one big master table, adding the search position and keyword searched-on as we do.

import re
import pandas as pd
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

def extract_serps(text):
    """Return list of Google search results from provided "raw" SERP scrape.
    Useful for checking whether SERPS actually collected or extracting results."""

    rv = False
        div_pat = re.compile('<div class="yuRUbf">(.*?)</div>')
        divs = re.findall(div_pat, text)
        lot = []
        for div in divs:
            pat_url = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)"')
            url_group = re.match(pat_url, div)
            pat_title = re.compile('<h3 class="LC20lb MBeuO DKV0Md">(.*?)</h3>')
            title_group = re.search(pat_title, div)
                url = url_group.groups(0)[0]
                url = ""
                title = title_group.groups(0)[0]
                title = ""
            lot.append((url, title))
        rv = lot
    return rv

table = []
with sqldict("serps.db") as db:
    for keyword in db:
        response = db[keyword]
        extracted = extract_serps(response.text)
        for i, serp in enumerate(extracted):
            row = (i+1, keyword, serp[0], serp[1])

columns = ["position", "keyword", "url", "serp title"]
df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=columns)
df.to_csv("serps.csv", index=False)

One can easily imagine using our site crawling ability from examples higher on this page to crawl each of the URLs that came back in search. We could then compare the SERP Title (the title given to the page by Google) versus the actual title tag on the page. Many SEO deliverable-types suggest themselves. And just wait until we get to hitting Google Search Console and Analytics!

Connecting to Search Console

Listing Your Sites with Google Search Console (GSC)

Okay, let’s do GSC. It’s worth pointing out what the Google code examples looks like. Ugh! It’s like they obfuscate it on purpose. Let’s make it as easy as possible. First let’s get a list of GSC sites to which our Google login has access:

import ohawf
from apiclient.discovery import build

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("searchconsole", "v1", credentials=creds)
gsc_sites = service.sites().list().execute()
sites = [x["siteUrl"] for x in gsc_sites["siteEntry"]]
for site in sites:

You should see output something like:


Generating Google-API-Friendly Dates

You can take any of those above values (including sc-domain:) and use it to pull metrics. From GSC, keywords is the default dimension, meaning you at least always get keywords back, plus the usual GSC metrics (clicks, impressions, ctr and position). But you usually have to at least give a start and end date in the input so the metrics are returned for a time-period. GSC goes back 16 months and takes the yyyy-mm-dd pattern for dates. So let’s get the start and end dates for the last 16 months:

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd

# Pick your API's date format
patterns = ["%Y-%m-%d", "%d-%m-%Y", "%Y/%m/%d", "%d/%m/%Y"]
pattern = patterns[0]

# Typical month ranges for GA APIs
months_back = 16
table = []
for x in range(months_back):
    start_date = datetime.now().date().replace(day=1) - rd(months=x)
    end_date = start_date + rd(months=1) - rd(days=1)
    start_date = start_date.strftime(pattern)
    end_date = end_date.strftime(pattern)
    table.append((start_date, end_date))

for timetuple in table:

…which gives this:

('2022-12-01', '2022-12-31')
('2022-11-01', '2022-11-30')
('2022-10-01', '2022-10-31')
('2022-09-01', '2022-09-30')
('2022-08-01', '2022-08-31')
('2022-07-01', '2022-07-31')
('2022-06-01', '2022-06-30')
('2022-05-01', '2022-05-31')
('2022-04-01', '2022-04-30')
('2022-03-01', '2022-03-31')
('2022-02-01', '2022-02-28')
('2022-01-01', '2022-01-31')
('2021-12-01', '2021-12-31')
('2021-11-01', '2021-11-30')
('2021-10-01', '2021-10-31')
('2021-09-01', '2021-09-30')

Pulling Data From GSC

Okay, so let’s pull some data!

import ohawf
from apiclient.discovery import build

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("searchconsole", "v1", credentials=creds)

site = "sc-domain:mikelev.in"
start_date = "2022-11-01"
end_date = "2022-11-30"

query = {
    "dimensions": ["QUERY"],
    "startDate": start_date,
    "endDate": end_date,

results = service.searchanalytics().query(siteUrl=site, body=query).execute()

columns = ["keys", "clicks", "impressions", "ctr", "position"]

table = [
    (x["keys"][0], x["clicks"], x["impressions"], x["ctr"], x["position"])
    for x in results["rows"]

df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=columns)
filename = f"{site.replace(':', '_')}_{start_date}.csv"
df.to_csv(filename, index=False)

It’s time we stopped littering up the directory we’re working in with CSV files. When we combine the 2 above steps, we’ll be producing 16 csv files, and they should drop into a directory that maybe doesn’t exist yet:

from pathlib import Path


And so putting it all together, we get:

import ohawf
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from apiclient.discovery import build
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("searchconsole", "v1", credentials=creds)

site = "sc-domain:mikelev.in"
columns = ["keys", "clicks", "impressions", "ctr", "position"]

months_back = 16
for x in range(months_back):
    start_date = datetime.now().date().replace(day=1) - rd(months=x)
    end_date = start_date + rd(months=1) - rd(days=1)
    pattern = "%Y-%m-%d"
    start_date = start_date.strftime(pattern)
    end_date = end_date.strftime(pattern)
    query = {
        "dimensions": ["QUERY"],
        "startDate": start_date,
        "endDate": end_date,
    results = service.searchanalytics().query(siteUrl=site, body=query).execute()
    table = [
        (x["keys"][0], x["clicks"], x["impressions"], x["ctr"], x["position"])
        for x in results["rows"]
    df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=columns)
    filename = f"gsc/{site.replace(':', '_')}_{start_date}.csv"
    df.to_csv(filename, index=False)

…which outputs:


Combining Multiple CSV Files Into One (like a SQL UNION)

Okay so now we’ve got a folder full of CSVs with no way to tell them apart except for the filename. So if we were to want to load all these CSVs back in and treat them like a single DataFrame, table, tab or whatnot, what to do? Have you ever tried to combine multiple CSVs in Excel? Not fun. In SQL this is called a UNION, also not much fun.

Here in Python with Pandas? It is fun, and you do it like so. The main thing to notice is pd.concat() which turns a list of column-compatible dataframes into a single dataframe.

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from time import strptime

# Make a list of all files in a folder
files = Path("gsc").glob("*.csv")

# Step through files, add some columns and append DataFrame to list
lots = []
for afile in files:
    df = pd.read_csv(afile)
    month_of = afile.name.split("_")[2][:-4]
    df["month of"] = month_of

# Create a single DataFrame from df's in list and write to file.
df_all = pd.concat(lots)
df_all.to_csv("all_files.csv", index=False)

Record Keeping With Named Tuples

When you’re processing a long-running, API-hitting data-pulling job, there will be problems that are can be hard to track down. As the outer and inner loops are processed, something gets skipped but the overall job keeps going because the job must complete. You come back later. Did something go wrong? How will you now? Examining the output? Implementing log files?

It turns out that Python offers the perfect mechanism to minimize moving parts and to know easily what hasn’t processed yet. It has the added benefit of eliminating nested looks and “flattening” the job to just stepping through a single list of pre-bundled sets of API-arguments. Let me show you.

Let’s say you need to look at the date of every day of this millennium so far.

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd

x = 1
dates = []
while True:
    adate = datetime.now().date().replace(day=1) - rd(days=x)
    pattern = "%Y-%m-%d"
    if adate < datetime(2000, 1, 1).date():
    adate = adate.strftime(pattern)
    x += 1

This is the abbreviated output:


At the time of this writing, that’s 8370 dates. Now let’s say you need to process these dates for each of the following sites. This technique by the way of turning a plain text list into a python list as a wonderful convenience.

sites = """

That’s 8370 x 3, or 25110 rows to process. The “processing loop” for every site for every date looks like this:

for asite in sites:
    for adate in dates:
        api_call = f"{asite} {adaate}"

Now if you actually used this loop for processing and something went wrong, how would you ever know. If you were going to reprocess in order to fill-in the missed API-calls are you going to rerun the entire loop. Is that going to reprocess every line and burn through your API quota and waste a lot of time? No! Of course not. Let’s build record-keeping directly into this job.

Factory constructors are one of those annoying things from object oriented design that we manage to avoid in most of our Python SEO work, but this is one delightfully unobjectionable exception. Let’s import the constructor:

# Import factory template
from collections import namedtuple

# Create new factory constructor
Args = namedtuple("Args", "site, date")

# Use constructor to create instance
args = Args("foo.com", "2022-11-30")


Produces this output. Look carefully. Notice how you can use dot-notation to access values inside a namedtuple. This is easier than the square-bracket dictionary API.

Args(site='foo.com', date='2022-11-30')

Now we almost put it all together. This next step creates a list of nametuples that are our API-calls. This is already a “flattened” list that can be processed without the nested loops:

from datetime import datetime
from collections import namedtuple
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd

Args = namedtuple("Args", "site, date")
sites = ['mikelev.in', 'levinux.com', 'pipulate.com']

x = 1
dates = []
while True:
    adate = datetime.now().date().replace(day=1) - rd(days=x)
    pattern = "%Y-%m-%d"
    if adate < datetime(2000, 1, 1).date():
    adate = adate.strftime(pattern)
    x += 1

api_calls = []
for adate in dates:
    for asite in sites:
        api_call = Args(asite, adate)

In Jupyter we can look at the first 10 sets of API arguments like so:


…which shows:

[Args(site='mikelev.in', date='2022-11-30'),
 Args(site='levinux.com', date='2022-11-30'),
 Args(site='pipulate.com', date='2022-11-30'),
 Args(site='mikelev.in', date='2022-11-29'),
 Args(site='levinux.com', date='2022-11-29'),
 Args(site='pipulate.com', date='2022-11-29'),
 Args(site='mikelev.in', date='2022-11-28'),
 Args(site='levinux.com', date='2022-11-28'),
 Args(site='pipulate.com', date='2022-11-28'),
 Args(site='mikelev.in', date='2022-11-27')]

Product of a Cartesian Join

…and gives you a pretty good idea of what we’re doing (I hope). It is every combination of property and date. This is the product of a cross-join, a.k.a. Cartesian Join, that was accomplished with the nested loop iterating through all sites and dates.

But there is one final step to do to make this list of namedtuple args into a practical list for housekeeping what’s been processed and what hasn’t. Because APIs out there in the wild are often so flaky (timeouts, unavailability, etc.) what we’re going here is a sort of tree-shaking reprocessing ability. So how do you do that? My favorite trick! A cheap dict database! We populate it these namedtuples as keys and the values set to None. We then only process keys whose values are none, and you can repeat that process until there are no more None’s, or for x-number of times or whatever.

from datetime import datetime
from collections import namedtuple
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd

Args = namedtuple("Args", "site, date")

# List all sites to process
sites = ['mikelev.in', 'levinux.com', 'pipulate.com']

# Lits all days to process (this Millennium)
x = 1
dates = []
while True:
    adate = datetime.now().date().replace(day=1) - rd(days=x)
    pattern = "%Y-%m-%d"
    if adate < datetime(2000, 1, 1).date():
    adate = adate.strftime(pattern)
    x += 1

# Build API-arguments for each date for each site
api_calls = []
for adate in dates:
    for asite in sites:
        api_call = Args(asite, adate)

# Populate database with API-args as keys but value None
with sqldict("api_calls.db") as db:
    for acall in api_calls:
        db[str(acall)] = None

Now we can break out the actual pulling of the data separate, getting rid of all that arg-building date nonsense (they’re already built) and just shake the trees.

Shaking the API Trees

from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict
from collections import namedtuple

Args = namedtuple("Args", "site, date")

# Simulate an API-call
def get_data(**kwargs):
    # Splatting named arguments into dict (great trick!)
    rv = None
    # All paramters present? (another great trick!)
    if all(item in kwargs for item in ['site', 'date']):
        site = kwargs["site"]
        date = kwargs["date"]
        rv = f"I made a call for site {site} on date {date}."
    return rv

# Shake the trees 5 times!
for i in range(5):
    print(f"Loop {i + 1}")
    with sqldict("api_calls.db") as db:
        for api_call in db:
            data = db[api_call]
            if data == None:
                args = eval(api_call)
                data = get_data(site=args.site, date=args.date)
                db[api_call] = data

And you can step through the database and look at the data. Any unsuccessful data-fetches will still read “None”.

Spinning Through Results

with sqldict("api_calls.db") as db:
    for i, api_call in enumerate(db):
        data = db[api_call]
        if i > 10:

…which shows:

I made a call for site mikelev.in on date 2022-11-30.
I made a call for site levinux.com on date 2022-11-30.
I made a call for site pipulate.com on date 2022-11-30.
I made a call for site mikelev.in on date 2022-11-29.
I made a call for site levinux.com on date 2022-11-29.
I made a call for site pipulate.com on date 2022-11-29.
I made a call for site mikelev.in on date 2022-11-28.
I made a call for site levinux.com on date 2022-11-28.
I made a call for site pipulate.com on date 2022-11-28.
I made a call for site mikelev.in on date 2022-11-27.
I made a call for site levinux.com on date 2022-11-27.
I made a call for site pipulate.com on date 2022-11-27.

Did I mention million-dollar ideas? This is one.

Python Dict Keys Like Database Primary Keys Ensure Uniqueness

But what about duplicates? Never fear, sets are here! Python dict keys are actually sets, thus ensuring uniqueness due to the nature of sets.

There’s a number of surprisingly good things about using named tuples as database keys. In our case the nametuples are converted to strings because of how the SqliteDict package was written, but the same benefits apply. I do a simple conversion of nametuples to strings (for readability) but the same uniqueness benefits apply. I could have also pickled the keys, but it would have been more code and they’d be less readable. Eval is not evil. Just ask Raymond Hettinger, the core Python developer who wrote namedtuples.

Use Named Tuples as Composite Primary Keys

If you want the big picture, research multi-column (a.k.a. composite) primary keys and ponder their relationship to tuples being used as Python dict keys. It will blow your mind. It’s amazing how many benefits we can get of fancy, higher-end systems just through the intelligent and creative use of the common datatypes built into Python.

Connecting to Google Analytics

Things are changing on the Google Analytics front. GA4mageddon is coming soon and all the old ways of querying Google Analytics through the API will go away because they’re going to be deleting all that data on July 1, 2023. Customers of the paid-for Google Analytics product 360 will have until July 1, 2024. Still, it is not a lot of time for changes this big on the Web and I’m torn whether I should even show you the “old way”. But chances are many things you do the old way will still apply — especially for Account IDs which aren’t changing and which is our first example:

List All Google Analytics Accounts You Can Access

Unfortunately, you have to switch between v3 and v4 of the GA API to get everything you need. When enumerating accounts, you need to use GA v3.

import ohawf
import pandas as pd
from apiclient.discovery import build

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("analytics", "v3", credentials=creds)
accounts = service.management().accounts().list().execute()

table = []
for account in accounts["items"]:
    name, aid = account["name"], account["id"]
    table.append((aid, name))
df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=["Account ID", "Account Name"])
df.to_csv("ga_accounts.csv", index=False)

This is the shortest of the 3 lists we’re generating. There are less Accounts than Web Properties and Views. So instead of creating one great big object with the whole 3-level hierarchy (possible, but messy), we’re going to create 3 DataFrames and save them out as CSVs. Then we’re going to join the CSVs as the last step.

List All Web Properties for a Account

Given a single Account ID from the above query, you can get a list of all its Web Properties. The concept of Web Properties is going away in Google Analytics 3, but leading up to that plenty of people are going to have to do an accounting of everything under Universal Analytics, so it’s still important.

So there’s a lot of ways to go about this. There’s the nested approach starting with above Account ID query, then the Web Properties queries indented a little, then a 3rd level of indent for Profile (a.k.a. View) IDs. But I’ve looked at ugly nested loops enough. We can extract all the Account IDs from the above DataFrame with the following. Take note that a ga_accounts.csv file must exist from running the above query.

account_ids = list(df["Account ID"])

We still will have a loop, but this simple list of Account IDs is what we will iterate through. Instead of relying on these Account IDs still being in memory, we load them back from the CSV on the drive.

import ohawf
import pandas as pd
from apiclient.discovery import build

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("analytics", "v3", credentials=creds)
df = pd.read_csv("ga_accounts.csv")  # Generated from prior example
account_ids = list(df["Account ID"])

table = []
for aid in account_ids:
    web_properties = service.management().webproperties().list(accountId=aid).execute()
    for web_property in web_properties["items"]:
        name, wid = web_property["name"], web_property["id"]
        table.append((aid, name, wid))
df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=["Account ID", "Web Property Name", "WebPropertyID"])
df.to_csv("ga_webproperties.csv", index=False)

And now we do the 3rd query, this time for the 3rd level-down in the old Google Analytics hierarchy of Accounts / Web Properties / Views (a.k.a. Profiles). As with the prior example, take note that a ga_webproperties.csv file must exist from executing the prior query. I’m going to grab both the Account IDs and WebProperty IDs because the next query requires both.

Also, because there are more views than anything else be aware of your API rate limit. You may exceed it and have to wait a day. The limit is 10,000 requests per user per day.

List All Views (Profiles) per Web Property

import ohawf
import pandas as pd
from apiclient.discovery import build

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("analytics", "v3", credentials=creds)
df = pd.read_csv("ga_webproperties.csv")  # Generated from prior example

ids = ["Account ID", "WebProperty ID"]
idtuples = list(map(tuple, df[ids].to_records(index=False)))

table = []
for atuple in idtuples:
    aid, wid = atuple
    views = service.management().profiles().list(accountId=aid, webPropertyId=wid).execute()
    for view in views['items']:
        name, vid = view["name"], view["id"]
        table.append((aid, wid, name, vid))

columns = ["Account ID", "WebPropertyID", "View Name", "View ID"]
df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=columns)
df.to_csv("ga_views.csv", index=False)

Joining Tables With Pandas

Okay, so now from the above Google Analytics queries, we have the following 3 files on the drive:

Tables join on columns that they have in common, and we’ve made sure that they do. Accounts and WebProperties will join on the Account ID column, and the resulting Accounts+WebProperties table will join to the Views table on both the Account ID and WebProperty ID.

Better Than SQL Joins and Excel VLookups

This is similar to doing Joins in SQL or VLookups in Excel, but the much simpler Pandas way. There’s different join options here with Pandas. A “pure” join can do it in one step and favors joining all tables on the same column, that column generally being the Index. Because one of our joins is going to use 2 columns (Account ID and WebProperty ID), I’m going to use .merge() instead of .join().

# Load csv files into DataFrames
dfa = pd.read_csv("ga_accounts.csv")
dfw = pd.read_csv("ga_webproperties.csv")
dfv = pd.read_csv("ga_views.csv")

# Join the 1st & 2nd, then that with the 3rd
dfaw = dfa.merge(dfw, on="Account ID")
dfawv = dfaw.merge(dfv, on=["Account ID", "WebProperty ID"])
dfawv.to_csv("ga_network.csv", index=False)

And that’s it. Load ga_networks.csv into Excel, format it a bit and send it along to your boss in preparation for GA4mageddon.

Pulling Metrics Data from Universal Analytics

All the GA examples so far have been getting your IDs. The View IDs (a.k.a. Profile IDs) are the ones we actually use in metrics-pulling queries. One of the most important things to know here is Google’s Query Explorer tool. They also have it for GA4. This is where you experiment, which is important because the requests are somewhat hard to construct. You can check out their notoriously obfuscated example which in my opinion prevents people from doing this sort of work than helps. Here’s how simple it should be. Why nobody shows barebones examples like this except for me, I’ll never know. I have a hypothesis that it’s because the easy examples don’t work well with Microsoft Intellisense on which most developers are now dependent.

import ohawf
from apiclient.discovery import build

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("analyticsreporting", "v4", credentials=creds)

# Create the Google Analytics query
query = {
    "reportRequests": {
        "dateRanges": [{"endDate": "2022-12-31", "startDate": "2022-01-01"}],
        "metrics": [
            {"expression": "ga:users"},
            {"expression": "ga:newusers"},
            {"expression": "ga:sessions"},
            {"expression": "ga:bouncerate"},
            {"expression": "ga:pageviewsPerSession"},
            {"expression": "ga:avgSessionDuration"},
        "pageSize": "1",
        "samplingLevel": "SMALL",
        "viewId": [Your GA View ID Here],

# Execute query and print response
response = service.reports().batchGet(body=query).execute()

Bonus: if you’re a paid GA 360 customer and have a higher resolution sampling rate available to you, you can get it by adding this to the query, which puts another key/value pair in the query dict object at the same level as reportRequests:

query["useResourceQuotas"] = True

Wait, what? Hitting the Google Analytics API has been that simple all these years? Yup. Then why don’t more people do it? Because simple examples are hard to find. Want to know what’s even harder to find than a simple GA API V4 example? A simple GA4 example. No, they’re not the same thing!

Analytics Reporting API v4 != Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

The language and terminology surrounding this stuff is infuriating. The above example uses the Google Analytics Reporting API v4, which is part of the Core Reporting API, which is not the same thing as Google Analytics 4 (GA4), which is part of the Google Analytics Data API. Roughly speaking, the Core Reporting API is the “old way” which is still used for most things except GA4 as far as I can tell. The older Core Reporting API can be recognized through its use of apiclient.discovery.build with lines like:

service = build("analyticsreporting", "v4", credentials=creds)

The new GA4 way can be recognized as of the time of this writing by:

client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient(credentials=creds)

Working With the GA4 Analytics API

And that’s our cue to move onto the future of Google Analytics. Bare bones example? Congratulations! You found the one that exists on the Internet. And wow do the patterns change. In the place of build (technically, apiclient.discovery.build) is BetaAnalyticsDataClient (technically, google.analytics.data_v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient). These names will change as the Python GA4 client libraries stabilize.

Pulling Data from GA4

import ohawf
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient

# We use this new pattern for sub-imports
from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import (

creds = ohawf.get()
client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient(credentials=creds)

request = RunReportRequest(
    property=f"properties/[Your GA4 Property ID Here]",
    date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="2022-01-01", end_date="2022-12-31")],


response = client.run_report(request)

And yes, that works. Something to notice here which I’m keeping a close eye on is the use of custom data objects to build arguments, such as DateRage and Metric. I’m only just getting an handle on these using the documentation here. There’s a lot to learn! You can always look at the source code with:

from inspect import getsource

Listing Sites on GA4

When I showed this for Non-GA4, I felt compelled to save out 3 CSVs because of the 3 levels of hierarchy. But with GA4, it’s just a bunch of Property IDs under each Account ID. That’s only 2-levels of hierarchy, and so I’ll mix the 2 different API-styles and do it with a nested loop and one table and save it out as ga4_properties.csv.

import ohawf
import pandas as pd
from apiclient.discovery import build
from google.analytics.admin import AnalyticsAdminServiceClient
from google.analytics.admin_v1alpha.types import ListPropertiesRequest

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("analytics", "v3", credentials=creds)
accounts = service.management().accounts().list().execute()

table = []
for account in accounts["items"]:
    name, aid = account["name"], account["id"]
    client = AnalyticsAdminServiceClient(credentials=creds)
    results = client.list_properties(
        ListPropertiesRequest(filter=f"parent:accounts/{aid}", show_deleted=True)
    for item in results:
        pid = item.name.split("/")[1]
        prop = item.display_name
        table.append((name, aid, prop, pid))

df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=["Account", "Account ID", "Property", "Property ID"])
df.to_csv("ga4_properties.csv", index=False)

And if you think moving from GA v4 to GA4 is confusing, there’s still a GA v3 you sometimes have to use. You see that in the above example that enumerates Accounts, Web Properties and Profiles where service.management() is invoked. GA v4 doesn’t have .management() but v3 does. Ugh! So can you also pull data with GA v3? Yes, and you sometimes have to in order to prevent broken out “dimension rows” from collapsing down into summary counts. Here’s a GA v3 query that returns all the broken-out URLs with a query whose equivalent would only return aggregate summary values in GA v4:

import ohawf
from time import sleep
from collections import namedtuple
from apiclient.discovery import build
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("analytics", "v3", credentials=creds)

with open("profiles.txt") as fh:
    profiles = [x.strip() for x in fh.readlines()]

start_date = "2022-01-01"
end_date = "2023-01-09"

Args = namedtuple("Args", "profile, npt")

# Create the keys for uncollected data
with sqldict("ga.db") as db:
    for profile in profiles:
        profile = int(profile)
        for npt in range(1, 50001, 10000):
            arg = Args(profile, npt)
            if str(arg) not in db:
                db[str(arg)] = None

# Function to get GA data with v3 API
# Breaks out URL rows with filter or segment applied (unlike v4)
def ga(profile, npt):
    return (
            # filters="ga:medium==organic",

with sqldict("ga.db") as db:
    for key in db:
        tkey = eval(key)
        profile, npt = tkey
        data = db[key]
        if data == None:
            print(f"Hitting API for profile: {profile} npt: {npt}")
            response = ga(profile, npt)
            db[key] = response

This program can be restated with Google Analytics v4, but it won’t break out the URL rows:

import ohawf
from time import sleep
from collections import namedtuple
from apiclient.discovery import build
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("analyticsreporting", "v4", credentials=creds)

start_date = "2022-01-01"
end_date = "2023-01-09"

# Create the Google Analytics query
def query(profile, npt):
    qry = {
        "reportRequests": {
            "dateRanges": [{"startDate": start_date, "endDate": end_date}],
            "metrics": [
                {"expression": "ga:users"},
                {"expression": "ga:newusers"},
                {"expression": "ga:sessions"},
                {"expression": "ga:bouncerate"},
                {"expression": "ga:pageviewsPerSession"},
                {"expression": "ga:avgSessionDuration"},
            # "segments": [{"segmentId": "gaid::-5"}],
            # "dimensions": [{"name": "ga:segment", "name": "ga:landingPagePath"}],
            "dimensions": [{"name": "ga:landingPagePath"}],
            "orderBys": [
                {"fieldName": "ga:sessions", "sortOrder": "DESCENDING"},
            "samplingLevel": "SMALL",
            "pageSize": "10000",
            "pageToken": f"{npt}",
            "viewId": f"{profile}",
    return qry

ga = lambda x: service.reports().batchGet(body=x).execute()

with open("profiles.txt") as fh:
    profiles = [x.strip() for x in fh.readlines()]

Args = namedtuple("Args", "profile, npt")

# Create the keys for uncollected data
with sqldict("ga.db") as db:
    for profile in profiles:
        profile = int(profile)
        for npt in range(0, 50000, 10000):
            arg = Args(profile, npt)
            if str(arg) not in db:
                db[str(arg)] = None

# Perform queries and collect data
with sqldict("ga.db") as db:
    for key in db:
        tkey = eval(key)
        profile, npt = tkey
        data = db[key]
        if data == None:
            print(f"Hitting API for profile: {profile} npt: {npt}")
            response = ga(query(profile, npt))
            db[key] = response

So much about managing large API data-pulls is expressed in the above two examples. Always create your database keys that represent API-calls ahead of time, even though you don’t have data yet. Treat your set of keys as beforehand data so you know exactly how many locks you need to turn before you have all the data you want. If jobs fail in the middle, you just check which doors are still locked and do 2nd passes to fill in the gaps. It’s good housekeeping and acknowledges the reality that APIs (data sources) on the Internet are often flaky.

Keyword Analysis With Linear Regression

It’s going to take a few steps to get to the linear regression, which is just a fancy word for line-fitting. In other words, we will plot the positions keywords held in search for your site and draw a line to see if it’s sloping up or down. Those that slope up are opportunity or winners. Those that slope down are in danger or losers. It’s simple machine learning and good solid SEO.

Managing the Data Pull with Named Tuples

Our first step is pulling the GSC data that we’ll be plotting in a time-series. We’re going to use “weekly” date-ranges to keep the overall amount of data small enough to easily manage. And so we’re going to make the namedtuples that define the API calls and fill them in as keys in a database for record keeping. This step doesn’t display anything. It just populates a database with keys we use in the steps that follow.

from datetime import datetime
from collections import namedtuple
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd

Range = namedtuple("Range", "start_date, end_date")

x = 1
dates = []
end_date = datetime.now().date() - rd(days=4)
with sqldict("gsc_weekly.db") as db:
    while True:
        start_date = end_date - rd(weeks=1)
        if end_date < datetime(2000, 1, 1).date():
        pattern = "%Y-%m-%d"
        api_start_date = start_date.strftime(pattern)
        api_end_date = end_date.strftime(pattern)
        arange = (Range(api_start_date, api_end_date))
        end_date = end_date - rd(weeks=x)
        db[str(arange)] = None
        x+= 1

Now we’ve got gsc_weekly.db containing a bunch of keys that will control the API-calls in the next step.

Populating the GSC Weekly Raw Data

This is about staying organized. Whereas we put all the date-logic in the above code and won’t have to look at it again. we’ll put the raw data-pull logic in this step. We won’t be doing any transforms or display. We do this to separate complexity and to shove it around where it belongs. It is for example safe to re-run because it won’t collect data for the same time-period twice.

import ohawf
from collections import namedtuple
from apiclient.discovery import build
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("searchconsole", "v1", credentials=creds)
site = "sc-domain:mikelev.in"

with sqldict("gsc_weekly.db") as db:
    for str_range in db:
        data = db[str_range]
        if not data:
            arange = eval(str_range)

            query = {
                "dimensions": ["QUERY", "PAGE"],
                "startDate": arange.start_date,
                "endDate": arange.end_date,

            results = (
                service.searchanalytics().query(siteUrl=site, body=query).execute()
            db[str_range] = results

Transforming GSC Raw Data to Tables

The above step was a “raw data pull”, meaning we now have to “flatten” the data and turn it into something more like rows & columns which are easier to work with in the following steps. It’s also easy to save it out as a CSV file and then we can just load the CSV file in the steps that follow.

import pandas as pd
from collections import namedtuple
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

Range = namedtuple("Range", "start_date, end_date")

columns = [

table = []
with sqldict("gsc_weekly.db") as db:
    for str_range in db:
        arange = eval(str_range)
        data = db[str_range]
        if "rows" in data:
            week_table = [
                for x in data['rows']
            df = pd.DataFrame(week_table)
df = pd.concat(table)
df.columns = columns
df.to_csv("gsc_weekly.csv", index=False)

Okay, gsc_weekly.csv is now on the drive and we can do rapid investigations without worrying about all the complexity of gathering or transforming the data. It’s time to get to graphing.

Simple Graphing of Time Series

Now we’ve got our weekly per-keyword/per-url GSC metrics on our drive we can easily load and do different investigations without hitting the GSC API over and over. The advantages are both speed and having the power of Pandas and other Python packages to do your analysis. We’ll do the linear regression in the example after this one because we have to learn the basics of matplotlib first.

The example that follows draws a line-graph of search positions for keywords that we choose with summed metrics such as clicks, sorted by descending. So you will see important keywords from this example, but not actual winners and losers. I give 2 very similar examples below because plotting clicks and impressions is different from plotting positions. There’s subtle differences like flipping the Y-axis. First, the “sum-able” metrics:

Plotting Clicks or Impressions

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

number_of_keywords = 3
metrics = ["clicks", "impressions"]
metric = metrics[0]

df_weekly = pd.read_csv("gsc_weekly.csv")
df_winners = df_weekly.groupby("keyword")[metric].sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
df_winners = df_winners.iloc[0:number_of_keywords]
winners = list(df_winners.index)

for win in winners:
    df = df_weekly[df_weekly["keyword"] == win][["end_date", "position"]]
    df["end_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["end_date"])
    df = df.set_index("end_date")
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

Graphing Search Positions is Different

Okay, and now for the metric that can’t be summed. The story for plotting search positions is different. You can’t sum a number of position #1’s and have it meaningful. It’s got to be an average. We want 1 at the top of the graph and 100 at the bottom, which is flipping the Y-axis. And because it’s a known range of 1 to 100, we can fix that range.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

number_of_keywords = 10

df_weekly = pd.read_csv("gsc_weekly.csv")
df_winners = df_weekly.groupby("keyword").agg({'position': ['count', 'mean']})
df_winners.columns = list(map('_'.join, df_winners.columns.values))
df_winners = df_winners.sort_values(['position_count', 'position_mean'], ascending=[False, True])
winners = list(df_winners.index[:number_of_keywords])

for win in winners:
    df = df_weekly[df_weekly["keyword"] == win][["end_date", "position"]]
    df["end_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["end_date"])
    df = df.set_index("end_date")
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.set_ylim(100, 1)

Jupyter Headline Functions

We’re about to display a whole lot of stuff and could really benefit by being able to use h1 and h2 tags in Jupyter similar to HTML. So here’s a function to spin out h1 through h6.

from IPython.display import display, Markdown

# Let's make some headlines!
for i in range(1, 7):
    func_name = f"h{i}"
    num_hashes = '#' * i
    command = fr"{func_name} = lambda x: display(Markdown('{num_hashes} %s' % x))"

Understand Winners & Losers with Linear Regression

And now for some awesome SEO. It’s similar to above, but we calculate the slope of the trendline for for every keyword and use that to choose which to show as the winners and losers, landing pages and such. This report can be used to know where to defend, where to attack and where to pay the most attention during site cleanups and migrations.

import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display, Markdown

size_from_ends = 50  # The number of Winners & Losers you want to see

# Let's make some headlines!
for i in range(1, 7):
    func_name = f"h{i}"
    num_hashes = "#" * i
    command = rf"{func_name} = lambda x: display(Markdown('{num_hashes} %s' % x))"

# Read the dump of GSC Weekly data
df_weekly = pd.read_csv("gsc_weekly.csv")

# Calculate the average search position and number of data points
df_winners = df_weekly.groupby("keyword").agg({"position": ["count", "mean"]})
df_winners.columns = list(map("_".join, df_winners.columns.values))
df_winners = df_winners.sort_values(
    ["position_count", "position_mean"], ascending=[False, True]

# Create a dict of landing pages per keyword (for later use)
dflp = df_weekly[["keyword", "url"]]
sot = set(map(tuple, dflp.to_records(index=False)))
lpdict = {}
for key, value in sot:
    if key in lpdict:
        lpdict[key] = [value]

# Grab number of rows so we don't mis-chop larger DataFrame.
samples = len(df_weekly.end_date.unique())

# Calculate the slope of the fit linear regression line.
keywords = list(df_winners.index)
table = []
for keyword in keywords:
    df = df_weekly[df_weekly["keyword"] == keyword][["end_date", "position"]]
    df["end_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["end_date"])
    lot = list(map(tuple, df.to_records(index=False)))
    x = [int(x[0]) for x in lot]
    y = [int(x[1]) for x in lot]
    coefficients = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
    slope = f"{-1 * coefficients[0] * 100000000000000000:.2f}"
    row = (keyword, slope)

# Join keyword positions, sample frequenc & slope.
df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=["keyword", "slope"])
df["slope"] = df["slope"].astype(float)
df = df.set_index("keyword")
df = df_winners.join([df])
df = df[df["position_count"] > samples / 2]
df.sort_values(by=["slope"], ascending=[False], inplace=True)

# Ensure whole list of keywords not sorter than end ranges.
if df.shape[1] > (size_from_ends * 2):
    size_from_ends = df.shape[1] / 2

# Grab the 2 ends, representing fasters winners and losers.
df_best = df.iloc[:size_from_ends, :]
df_worst = df.iloc[-size_from_ends:, :]
df_ends = pd.concat([df_best, df_worst])
movers = list(df_ends.index)

# Show top winner and loser top reression lines.
for i, mover in enumerate(movers):
    if not i:
        i2 = i
    if i == size_from_ends:
        i2 = 0
    df = df_weekly[df_weekly["keyword"] == mover][["end_date", "position"]]
    df["end_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["end_date"])
    lot = list(map(tuple, df.to_records(index=False)))
    x = [x[0] for x in lot]
    x2 = [int(x[0]) for x in lot]
    y = [int(x[1]) for x in lot]
    plt.scatter(x, y)
    coefficients = np.polyfit(x2, y, 1)
    slope = f"{-1 * coefficients[0] * 100000000000000000:.2f}"
    h2(f"{i2 + 1}: {mover}")
    i2 += 1
    h3(f"slope: {slope}")
    for apage in lpdict[mover]:
    regression_line = np.poly1d(coefficients)
    plt.plot(x, regression_line(x2), "r--")
    plt.gca().set_ylim(1, 100)

Yeah, so maybe I’ll paste some graphics in here to show you the output. Until I do the nice little touches like that so that the casual user can “get it”, this will remain a hidden gem.

Getting All URLs of Site

There are various approaches to getting all URLs for a site. You can get it from Google Analytics. You can get it from Search Console. You can get it from crawling the site directly. You can do it all 3 ways and join the results to compare the effectiveness of the methods.

Getting All URLs with GSC

import ohawf
from datetime import datetime
from apiclient.discovery import build
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd

creds = ohawf.get()

service = build("searchconsole", "v1", credentials=creds)
today = datetime.now()
last_year = today - rd(months=12)
today = f"{today}"[:10]
last_year = f"{last_year}"[:10]
site = "sc-domain:[your site here]"
start_row = 0

proceed = True
while proceed == True:
    with sqldict("gsc_urls.db") as db:
        print(f"start {start_row}")
        if start_row not in db:
            query = {
                "dimensions": ["PAGE"],
                "startDate": last_year,
                "endDate": today,
                "rowLimit": 1000,
                "startRow": start_row,
            results = (
                service.searchanalytics().query(siteUrl=site, body=query).execute()
            if "rows" not in results:
                proceed = False
            db[str(start_row)] = results
        start_row += 1000

Okay, all the raw GSC URL data for a year is on the drive. Now we can spin through the raw data and create a flattened CSV file:

import pandas as pd
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

table = []
with sqldict("gsc_urls.db") as db:
    for start_row in db:
        results = db[start_row]
        if "rows" in results:
            rows = results["rows"]
            lot = [
                (x["keys"][0], x["clicks"], x["impressions"], x["ctr"], x["position"])
                for x in rows

columns = ["url", "clicks", "impressions", "ctr", "position"]
df = pd.concat(table)
df.columns = columns
df.to_csv("ga_urls.csv", index=False)

Getting All URLs with GA

With GA, it can get ridiculous if you have a big site because it has every tracking parameter in there. So we take some precautions to filter it on the data-pull. Otherwise you might get back more data than is reasonable. Here’s the first part that does the raw data pull and capture.

increment = 50000
start_row = 1
proceed = True
while proceed == True:
    with sqldict("ga_urls.db", timeout=4000000) as db:
        print(f"start {start_row}")
        if start_row not in db:
            req = get(
                ids=f"ga:[your viewid here]",
                filters = "ga:landingPagePath!~'?'"
            results = req.execute()
            if "rows" not in results:
                proceed = False
            db[str(start_row)] = results
        start_row += increment

This can take awhile. And I had to keep upping the timeout on the Sqlite Dict. But once the raw data was on the drive, we can flatten it quick and easy:

import pandas as pd
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

root = "https://[yoursite]"
table = []
with sqldict("ga_urls.db") as db:
    for start_row in db:
        results = db[start_row]
        if "rows" in results:
            lot = [(f"{root}{x[0]}", x[1]) for x in results['rows'] if x[0] != '(other)']
            df = pd.DataFrame(lot)

df = pd.concat(table)
df.columns = ["url", "entrances"]
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['url'], inplace=True)
df.to_csv("ga_urls.csv", index=False)

N-Click-Depth Crawl

Crawlers run out of control too easily and takes up too much storage on your drive too readily. So to make a this a successful crawl you can control, it neither coedge_xllects on-page data beyond links, nor will it crawl more than a 500 pages per run. You can easily modify the code to change that, but the point of this is to get some quick data in for visualizing site hierarchies through network node graph visualizers.

import httpx
import pandas as pd
from time import time
from asyncio import gather
from collections import Counter
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict
from IPython.display import display, Markdown

# Note: This crawler will not run out of control because it locks stubbornly onto
# completing each click-depth and is only recording the link graph and no on-page
# content. This is useful for getting the URLs and visualizing the link graph.

# Configuration
max_crawl_per_run = 500
homepage = "https://mikelev.in/"
user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}
dbname = "ncrawl.db"
start = time()

# Function to get absolute links from a URL
def onsite_links(href):
    response = httpx.get(href, headers=headers)
    soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
    ahrefs = soup.find_all("a")
    seen = set()
    for link in ahrefs:
        if "href" in link.attrs:
            href = link.attrs["href"]
            # Skip kooky protocols like email
            if ":" in href and "//" not in href:
            # Convert relative links to absolute
            if "://" not in href:
                href = urljoin(homepage, href)
            # Convert root slash to homepage
            if href == "/":
                href = homepage
            # Strip stuff after hash (not formal part of URL)
            if "#" in href:
                href = href[: href.index("#")]
            # Remove dupes and offsite links
            if href[: len(homepage)] == homepage:
    return seen

def feedback(i, t=False):
    if not i % 1000:
        if t:
            print(f"\nProcessed: {i} of {t}")
            print(f"\nProcessed: {i}")
    elif not i % 10:
        print(".", end="")

# Let's make some headlines!
for i in range(1, 7):
    func_name = f"h{i}"
    num_hashes = "#" * i
    command = rf"{func_name} = lambda x: display(Markdown('{num_hashes} %s' % x))"

# Seed Crawl with click-depth 1 & 2
h1(f"Crawling {homepage}")
links = onsite_links(homepage)
table = []
with sqldict("ncrawl.db") as db:
    db[homepage] = links
    for link in links:
        if link not in db:
            db[link] = None

# Record the click-depth 1 & 2 pages
with sqldict("ndepth.db") as db:
    db[homepage] = 1
    for link in table:
        db[link] = 2

h2("Counting discovered but unvisited links.")
h3("This can take awhile past click-depth of 2.")
table = []
with sqldict("ncrawl.db") as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        feedback(i, len(db))
        row = (url, db[url])
df = pd.DataFrame(table)
df.columns = ["url", "links"]
df.set_index("url", inplace=True)

h2("Figuring out deepest click-depths.")
h3("This can take awhile past click-depth of 2.")
table = []
with sqldict("ndepth.db") as db:
    for i, link in enumerate(db):
        feedback(i, len(db))
        row = (link, db[link])
df_depth = pd.DataFrame(table)
df_depth.columns = ["url", "depth"]
df_depth.set_index("url", inplace=True)
df = df.join([df_depth])
max_depth = df["depth"].max()

to_crawl = df[(df["depth"] == max_depth) & (df["links"].isnull())]
to_crawl = list(to_crawl.index)
len_to_crawl = len(to_crawl)

if len_to_crawl:
    if len_to_crawl < max_crawl_per_run:
        max_crawl_per_run = len_to_crawl
        f"Crawling {max_crawl_per_run} of {len_to_crawl} pages at click-depth {max_depth}:"
    h3(f"This is discovering links for a click depth {max_depth + 1} crawl.")
    with sqldict("ncrawl.db") as db:
        for i, url in enumerate(to_crawl):
            db[url] = onsite_links(url)
            print(f"{max_crawl_per_run - i} ", end="")
            if i >= max_crawl_per_run:
                    f"Another {max_crawl_per_run} urls will be visited each time you run."
    next_depth = max_depth + 1
    h2(f"Done click-depth {max_depth}. Setting up tables for click-depth {next_depth}.")
    table = []
    with sqldict("ncrawl.db") as db:
        table = []
        for url in db:
            links = db[url]
            if links:
                for link in links:
    with sqldict("ncrawl.db") as db:
        for url in table:
            db[url] = None
    with sqldict("ndepth.db") as db:
        for url in table:
            if url not in db:
                db[url] = next_depth
    h3(f"On the next run click-dept {next_depth} will be crawled.")

So what can you even do with a crawl like this that doesn’t collect any on-page data but for the “a href” links? Well, you can visualize the link graph, of course! 2 splendid tools to the rescue: NetworkX and Plotly!

3D Interactive Website Crawl Visualization

I still have some work to do on this code and will be replacing it with a version that has labeled nodes, but for now it’s pretty amazing we can do this. It will take the crawl data saved out from the above crawl and make it a 3D interactive link graph revealing the hierarchy of the site. I recommend limiting yourself to plotting 2 or 3 click-depth data. It gets crazy at 4.

# Import the required packages
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

table = []
with sqldict("ncrawl.db") as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        links = db[url]
        if links:
            for link in links:
                table.append((url, link))
df = pd.DataFrame(table).iloc[:, :]

dedupe_me = list(df[0].unique()) + list(df[1].unique())

seen = set()
new_list = []
for url in dedupe_me:
    if url not in seen:

url_dict = dict([(x[1], x[0]) for x in enumerate(new_list)])

G = nx.Graph()
for url in df[0].unique():

edges = list(map(tuple, (df.to_records(index=False))))
for edge in edges:
    l, r = edge
    G.add_edge(url_dict[l], url_dict[r])

spring_3D = nx.spring_layout(G, dim=3, seed=18)
Num_nodes = len(spring_3D)
x_nodes = [spring_3D[i][0] for i in range(Num_nodes)]
y_nodes = [spring_3D[i][1] for i in range(Num_nodes)]
z_nodes = [spring_3D[i][2] for i in range(Num_nodes)]

edge_list = G.edges()
x_edges = []
y_edges = []
z_edges = []

for edge in edge_list:
    # format: [beginning,ending,None]
    x_coords = [spring_3D[edge[0]][0], spring_3D[edge[1]][0], None]
    x_edges += x_coords

    y_coords = [spring_3D[edge[0]][1], spring_3D[edge[1]][1], None]
    y_edges += y_coords

    z_coords = [spring_3D[edge[0]][2], spring_3D[edge[1]][2], None]
    z_edges += z_coords

trace_edges = go.Scatter3d(
    line=dict(color="black", width=2),

trace_nodes = go.Scatter3d(
        colorscale=["lightgreen", "magenta"],  # either green or mageneta
        line=dict(color="black", width=0.5),

axis = dict(

layout = go.Layout(
    title="3D Graph of Website",

# Include the traces we want to plot and create a figure
data = [trace_edges, trace_nodes]
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)


Web Browser Automation

Chromium, Firefox & Chrome Automation

This is how you do browser automation under JupyterLab on a Windows PC running the Linux version of JupyterLab under WSL. It feels just like running native Jupyter, but it’s back-ended by Linux with the server-friendly Microsoft Playwright controlling the Linux versions of Chromium, Firefox or Chrome either showing the browser as you go for development and debugging, or heedlessly for running on a scheduled basis 24x7 (broken out of Jupyter).

Barebones Chromium without Session Memory
import asyncio
from playwright.async_api import Playwright, async_playwright

delay = 5
slow_mo = 100
headless = False
site = "https://www.google.com/"

# Barebones Chromium without Session Memory
async with async_playwright() as playwright:
    browser = await playwright.chromium.launch(headless=headless, slow_mo=slow_mo)
    page = await browser.new_page()
    await page.goto(site)
    await asyncio.sleep(delay)
    await browser.close()
Chromium with Session Memory and User Agent Cloaking
import asyncio
from playwright.async_api import Playwright, async_playwright

delay = 5
slow_mo = 100
headless = False
site = "https://www.google.com/"

# Chromium with Session Memory and User Agent Cloaking
session_folder = "session"
ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"

async with async_playwright() as playwright:
    browser = await playwright.chromium.launch_persistent_context(
        session_folder, headless=headless, slow_mo=slow_mo, user_agent=ua
    page = await browser.new_page()
    await page.goto(site)
    await asyncio.sleep(delay)
    await browser.close()
Firefox without Session Memory
import asyncio
from playwright.async_api import Playwright, async_playwright

delay = 5
slow_mo = 100
headless = False
site = "https://www.google.com/"

# Firefox without Session Memory
async with async_playwright() as playwright:
    browser = await playwright.firefox.launch(headless=headless, slow_mo=slow_mo)
    context = await browser.new_context()
    page = await context.new_page()
    await page.goto(site)
    await asyncio.sleep(delay)
    await browser.close()
Genuine Linux Chrome with Real User Data
import asyncio
from playwright.async_api import Playwright, async_playwright

delay = 5
slow_mo = 100
headless = False
site = "https://www.google.com/"

# Genuine Linux Chrome with Real User Data
chrome_exe = "/usr/bin/google-chrome"
user_data = "/home/ubuntu/.config/google-chrome/"
downloads_path = "/home/ubuntu/Downloads"

async with async_playwright() as p:
    playwright = await async_playwright().start()
    browser = await playwright.chromium.launch_persistent_context(
        # args=["--start-maximized"],

    page = await browser.new_page()
    await page.goto(site)
    await asyncio.sleep(delay)
    await browser.close()

Concurrent URL Crawl to Parquet

This builds on from above crawler code. You should have sqlite databases siting on your drive which are the link and depth databases, respectively. We continue on using the ./crawl/depth.db data and launched a concurrent crawl at the site using everything Python can muster.

We use the PyPI httpx requests-like package for that, except it supports a concurrent context manager to… well, look and see. Hard to express, but there is some code brevity magic going on here to express concurrency so well. I limit a concurrent URL content-grab to 1000. You have to re-run it to get through the list if the crawl returned more than 1000 pages.

import httpx
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from asyncio import gather
from collections import Counter
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

data = "crawl"
depthdb = f"{data}/depth.db"
responsedb = f"{data}/responses.db"

user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

# Load URLs from link crawl
table = []
with sqldict(depthdb) as db:
    for url in db:
print(f"Total URLs: {len(table)}")

# Plan the crawl
if not Path(responsedb).exists():
    with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
        for url in table:
            db[url] = None

# Find uncrawled URLs
urls = []
with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    uncrawled = 0
    for url in table:
        resposne = db[url]
        if response == None and uncrawled <= 1000:
            uncrawled += 1
print(f"Uncrawled URLs: {len(urls)}")

# Crawl uncrawled URLs
async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=headers) as client:
    apromise = gather(*[client.get(url) for url in urls], return_exceptions=True)
    with sqldict(responsedb, timeout=5000) as db:
        for response in await apromise:
                db[str(response.url)] = response
print("Done crawl")

c = Counter()
with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    for url in db:
        response = db[url]
        if type(response) == httpx.Response:
            status_code = response.status_code
            c[status_code] += 1

for status_code in c:
    print(f"{status_code} pages: {c[status_code]}")

table = []
heading_tags = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]
with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    for url in db:
        response = db[url]
        if type(response) == httpx.Response:
            status_code = response.status_code
            html = response.text
            soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")

                title = soup.title.string.strip()
                title = None
                description = soup.find("meta", attrs={"name": "description"}).attrs[
                description = None
                headlines = "\n\n".join(
                        for x in soup.find_all(heading_tags)
                        if x.text.strip()
                headlines = None
            stripped_strings = " ".join(soup.stripped_strings)
            body_copy = " ".join(
                [x for x in [title, description, stripped_strings] if x]
            atuple = (

cols = ["url", "status_code", "title", "description", "headlines", "body_copy", "html"]

df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=cols)
print(f"{df.shape[0]} URLs")